Sunday, November 19, 2006

Drugs Are Nice: A Post-Punk Memoir by Lisa Crystal Carver (Soft Skull Press). With this fun yet moving poster-punky memoir Lisa (you might remember her as Suckdog) Carver takes the willing reader back to a magical, secretive moment in the post-post-modern underground era of the 80’s and 90’s. It was the era of Bill Callahan (Smog), of Jean-Louis Costes, of Psycodrama, of G.G. Allin, of so many to the edge and beyond performer/musicians who are quickly quietly slipping into the lost memories realm. Lisa is perhaps best known (and I hope remembered by a few) for her delicious fanzine, ”Rollerderby”. She was also an amazing performer and anti-musician/artist responsible for many lost minor-masterpieces. Her records such as “Drugs Are Nice” and “Rape G.G.” remain decent enough snapshots of what she was capable of for those lucky enough to have obtained and held onto copies. With this new book Lisa takes us back to that strange, scary time. Along the way Lisa remembers her trip to Atlanta and appearance at the Fourth Destroy All Music Festival, where she performed with Debbey Richardson and Benjamin Smoke. D.A.M. 4 was one of the great events of the secret history of the Atlanta entertainment underground, so I am happy someone has had the good sense to document those noisy hours in book form, if only for a few paragraphs. Throughout this book Lisa leads us into a world few dared to enter. She is and was fearless. I love her for that. I am also glad she seems to have survived her adventures more or less intact.


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